
Post #423 Orland, IN


American Legion Riders Chapter 423

About the Riders

The American Legion Riders (ALR) are motorcycle enthusiasts who are members of the American Legion Family, which is made up of members of the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion. Riders can be found participating in parades, ceremonies, patriotic events, motorcycle rides and activities, and supporting the communities where they live, work and play.

Organizational Structure, Leadership & Meetings

The Riders are divided into departments at the state level and chapters at the local level. Each chapter is supported by a local American Legion Post and it is required to uphold the principles of The American Legion and to abide by the regulations and decisions of its local post, department, and the national headquarters. However, chapters have great flexibility in determining the extent of their services and programs.

Each organizational level of ALR (department and chapter) is led by officers elected annually by its members or representatives of its members. Currently, Barry Cook serves as the Director of Chapter 423.

Chapter 423 typically meets the second Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM. Meetings are held at Post 423.

Membership Eligibility Requirements

Membership in ALR is open to:

  1. Individuals who hold membership in and are in good standing with The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, or the Sons of The American Legion; and
  2. Are a legally registered motorcycle owner or the legally registered owner's spouse within the state of registration; and
  3. Are properly licensed and insured in accordance with applicable state laws.

In addition, members must obey motor-vehicle laws in the state in which they are operating a motorcycle or riding as a passenger.

If you would like to join the Riders, or if you have questions about your eligibility to join, contact Barry Cork at 260-668-0879.

Link to ALR 423 on FB