For over 70-years, Post 423 has proudly served current and former members of the United States military and their families in northeast Indiana. We also continue to strive to honor these men and women who have sacrificed so much to preserve the freedoms we enjoy today.
Along with the other members of our Legion Family; the Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the Legion and the Legion Riders, we’re committed to mentoring youth, sponsoring and supporting community programs and events, advocating patriotism and honor, and promoting strong national security.
Veterans Strengthening America
Upcoming Events
February Sip & Wine: Sat, 02/08, 5:00 PM
ALR Meeting: Sun, 02/09, 11:00 AM
Super Bowl Party: Sun, 02/09, 4:00 PM
Post, Auxiliary & SAL Membership Meetings: Thu, 02/13, 6:30 PM
Valentine’s Day Steak Fry: Sat, 02/15, 6:00 PM
Daytona 500 Party: Sun, 02/16, 1:00 PM
Karaoke: Sat, 02/22, 7:00 PM
March District 4 Mtg: Thu, 03/06, 5:00 PM
ALR Meeting: Sun, 03/09, 11:00 AM
Post, Auxiliary & SAL Membership Meetings: Thu, 03/13, 6:30 PM
Legion Party: Sat, 03/08, 5:00 PM
Reverse Raffle Prairie Heights: Sat, 03/15, 5:00 PM
Bingo 10K Game: Sat, 03/22, 3:30 PM
Karaoke: Sat, 03/22, 7:00 PM
Post Hours of Operation
Although not mandatory at this time, we encourage patrons to social distance and to wear masks. We reserve the write to refuse service to anyone who fails to comply with issued restrictions or Post policies.
Legion Membership
Membership eligibility in The American Legion is based on honorable service with the U.S. Armed Forces between April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918 (World War I); December 7, 1941, and December 31, 1946 (World War II); June 25, 1950, and January 31, 1955 (Korean war); December 22, 1961, and May 7, 1975 (Vietnam War); August 24, 1982, and July 31, 1984 (Lebanon/Grenada); December 20, 1989, and January 31, 1990 (Operation Just Cause – Panama); or August 2, 1990, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the government of the United States. Eligible veterans applying for first time membership must submit a copy of their DD 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, to Post Membership Committee.
► Why You Should Belong | ► Benefits | ► Application |
If you would like to join the Legion, or if you have questions about your eligibility to join, call us today at 260-829-6544.